Discipleship Works
For the disciple of Jesus, work matters! There are many passages in Scripture that attest to the importance of work, but three major principles summarize it well. First, from the very beginning of time, God modeled work for us by creating the universe in six days (Gen 2:2). He then gave us work to do by entrusting to mankind the role of taking care of and stewarding His creation (Gen 1:28). Therefore, when we work we reflect God’s image. Second, we learn in Colossians 3:23-24 that when we work we are primarily serving God, not man. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” (ESV) Work then is an opportunity to bring God glory and pleasure. Third, when we work hard with diligence, we are blessed (Prov 24:30-34).
For all of these reasons we believe that work is an important piece in the life of a disciple of Jesus. At Adelphia each student will have the opportunity to develop greater character and competency through a work internship with Lake Retreat Camp where the Adelphia campus is located. Each student will receive training and instruction in different work areas that include kitchen (dining, food prep, dishes), Rec (lifeguard, paintball, boats, archery tag), Housekeeping and Maintenance. Work internships will include a general introduction to all. Emphasises will be assigned based on prior experience, particular skill, or areas of most need. For more information about how the work internship functions, click HERE.
During the first part of the school year the work internship is a smaller component of the discipleship process, averaging around eight to ten hours per week. During the summer months the work emphasis becomes a major focus as students average between thirty and forty hours per week.