Discipleship Training
The whole point of our program is to train and develop greater disciples of Jesus. This was the purpose of Jesus’ ministry- to make disciples who were equipped to make other disciples. Everything we do at Adelphia is modeled after how Jesus made disciples.
One of the most basic elements of how Jesus made disciples was by faithfully teaching from Scripture (Luke 24:27, 45). Knowing God’s Word is imperative! That is why the main focus of the first two terms at Adelphia is the study and application of Scripture. We focus on the story of the BIble as a whole and also go deeper to focus on individual elements of the gospel story. Every week we bring in a local area pastor- with the qualifications of being faithful to God’s Word and an active disciple-maker themselves- to teach classes on a variety of biblical topics and books. These classes encourage a greater knowledge of Scripture and a life of application and obedience.
A second important piece of how Jesus made disciples was by living life with them. Jesus and His followers actually lived together, ate together, travelled together, served together, and ministered together. Similarly, Adelphia provides the opportunity to actually do life along with other disciples, with Jesus at the center. This is what motivates us to spend intentional time each week learning to serve, going into the city to do outreach ministry, and developing an authentic community where love is put into action daily.
Our program runs from October through September each year. You can view our calendar for important dates.
Work Internship
The Bible has a lot to say about work. Mature disciples must learn how to work with their hands (2 Thess 3:6-12). In fact, disciples who are unwilling to work and support their families are considered to be worse than unbelievers (1 Timothy 5:8)! This high view of work impacts the way we make disciples at Adelphia. To truly be obedient to Jesus, you must be able to work. Each of our students participate in a work internship throughout the year that teaches them the value and purpose of work. Along the way they will learn practical skills to carry with them the rest of their life. The hard work of the internship is what makes it possible for the program to have no cost. Each student will have designated time during the first two terms learning how to work and then the main focus of the third term will be on putting it all into practice.
Prepare for the Future
The beauty of making disciples after the pattern set by Jesus is that it prepares you for your future instead of hindering it. Can you imagine the freedom of graduating from a discipleship program without any loans, payments or debt? Our work internship is what prepares our students for the future by instilling in them a strong work ethic, providing practical training and work skills, establishing a more developed resume, and allowing them to leave with no debt or out of pocket costs. Similarly, having completed a year of discipleship training, our students will graduate with a much deeper understanding of what it looks like to follow Jesus by loving His Word, being committed to putting Scripture into action, and developing a loving life in community.